Friday, August 7, 2009

Quick Prayer Request

I know that we haven't had an update in the past day regarding what has happened to our team. These past two days have been jammed packed as we have wrapped up the majority of our outreach and ministry. We have been truly blessed as a team and have seen the fruits of our ministry. For those of you who may not be aware, the organization we have been working with this week, Living Hope, recently had a substantial amount of their funding pulled due to the Obama administration coming to office. Changes were made in how funds were distributed to faith based organizations and Living Hope will soon be losing a substantial part of the funds used to accomplish their amazing work. John Thomas, the founder of Living Hope, will be having an important meeting tomorrow that could have an impact in the pulling of these funds. Please pray for this meeting in the upcoming day that all will go well and according to God's plan. If it is God's plan that they have these funds, let that be so. If not, please pray that other doors will be opened and the organization will find the necessary supporters to allow the ministry to continue to operate to its fullest purpose.

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