Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 5

It was quite the rainy day here in the Cape. Up until today, we had been blessed with sunny weather but nevertheless the show must go on! We had the incredible opportunity of going door to door in the shantytown of Overcome Heights. Amazingly, everyone we approached were happy to talk with us and let us pray for them and their families, some even invited us into their homes! I believe that we were all truly humbled by this experience and the lives of these individuals. Most of these people are just trying their best with what little they have been given. Just like in our own lives, they too have families to care for and homes to maintain. After introducing ourselves and explaining our partnership with Living Hope Ministries & the programs we are running this week, we asked individuals if we could pray for them. The most common prayer request was the need for employment and secondly, for good health for their families and themselves. To be able to actually meet these people face to face, learn about their lives and pray for them was such a rare yet incredible opportunity. My heart just broke for the people that we met. Despite their unfortunate circumstances, these people were a joy to speak with and very warm and welcoming. We get to participate in two more days of door to door ministry and I personally couldn't be more stoked!

In the afternoon,we headed to Muizenberg beach and ate the sandwiches we made early this morning. Because it was raining we ended up eating in the van but the view was nice and it was fun to see the surfers. After lunch and a quick nap we headed back to Overcome for day two of kids camp. Due to the weather conditions, we couldn't be outside so we gathered all the children that were able to come out and set up in the “container” which is a portable that Living Hope has at Overcome. It was so great to see some of the kids again that had come on day one but we were also bummed to not see some of the kids that had come out yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow the weather will be sunny and we'll see everyone back from Monday, Tuesday, plus even more new faces! There is truly no greater feeling than seeing the looks on these kids face when you are singing, dancing and just talking with them. They just exude such joy! They also love getting their picture taken! After songs, a puppet skit and some snacks, we said goodbye to our little friends and headed back to the Team House.

We just had our debrief of the day and it is such an awesome thing to hear the team member's stories and the different experiences we've each had today. God is truly using us and stretching us and even though we still need time to comprehend and process all that we've experienced thus far, there is no doubt that God is orchestrating everything. God is good! We're looking forward to the rest of the week! Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Pray that God will soften the hearts of those whom we have the opportunity to minister to and for our safety, health and motivation.

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