Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 10

Today was our last day with the Overcome Heights community. We went to the Nazarene church this morning. It was a moving experience for all of us, both the team members and the members of the church body. Like last week, the church welcomed us with open arms when we entered. This week was a bit different since we had come to know these church members over the past week and they were no longer strangers, they are now our friends.

During the service the pastor asked for anyone who had been touched by our team this past week to come up to the front of the church. Nearly half of the church came up to the front. It was touching for all of us to see the impact that we made in this community in just a week. We really felt like we were part of this family and it was great to see that they felt the same way about out. It is definitely hard for us to leave knowing that there is so much more that needs to be done for this community. Our work here is definitely not done and neither is God's work.

After church we stopped by Greenmarket Square, a craft bazaar in downtown Cape Town. There are a number of booths set up that sell native crafts. Afterwards we went back to the team house and relaxed for the afternoon. It was a much needed break from the busy time that we have had for the past few days.

Thank you all for your prayers for our team and this community these past few weeks and months. God's hand has definitely been with us during this trip. Our team has grown so close despite how different we are. We have come together and been able to have a huge impact in this community. We are so grateful for this opportunity to do what God has called us to do and allow ourselves to be open to changing and a new experience. All of us will be forever changed since we have seen God's work first hand. Please pray for us as we travel back tomorrow. It is a long journey and we are all exhausted!

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