We made it to Cape Town, safe and sound! Thanks to all who prayed for our safe travel. The only tense moment was a spectacular lightning storm we encountered off the western coast of Africa--it was bumpy for a while but we survived.
The team is in high spirits, despite twenty hours of flying and a few hours spent in airports. It's amazing that even after a full day of travel, everyone is still able to laugh and sing together. We have a fun group, I'm sure we'll really enjoy working together this week.
The house we're staying at is very nice, and everyone we've met so far has been extremely friendly. These folks are pros at hosting short term mission teams and it shows--we'll be in good hands during our stay here.
We'll spend today just settling in and recovering a little from the jet lag, and doing some preparations for the week.
Getting on board for the second leg of our trip
Quick prayer of thanks after touching down in South Africa
The girls: Jaclyn, Stephanie, Ruth, Rachel, Sarah V, and Sarah C
You guys all look great! We're praying and thinking about you back home.