Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Only 8 weeks away!

We had another team meeting this past Sunday. It was great to get together again as a group and talk about what we will be doing in only 8 weeks from now. We have started to finalize our itinerary for the two weeks and assigned tasks to the various members of our team. During our time down there, we will be leading a Vacation Bible School program for a week. The program will be in the afternoons for the children who live in the Overcome Heights area. During the day, we will be active in the Overcome Heights community, going out and encouraging people to come to the activities put on by Living Hope. One of the last days that we will be in Cape Town will be spent at the health care center. The center serves the HIV/AIDS population and provides critical treatments for those fighting the disease. We will also be spending a day at Living Grace, a branch of Living Hope that provides job training skills and education to those in Overcome Heights.

We also have a day at the beginning and end of our trip set aside to see the area and do a few tourist activities. These days will be much needed down time as the rest of our trip is going to be packed full. However, all of us recognize that our purpose for the trip is not to see the sites in the area. We are here to accomplish an important purpose and to assist an amazing organization is spreading God's love. I'm confident that our efforts will not go unnoticed in the community and even if we make a difference in one person's life, it will definitely be worth the trip.

Thanks again for all your prayers and continued support! It means a lot!

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