Friday, May 15, 2009

Crazy Monkeys

Bad news. There was just a report from Cape Town that two tourists were robbed while on their honeymoon. Definitely not fun for anyone. However, the culprit was a monkey! Apparently South Africa has a slight problem with baboons. They are as common down there as what squirrels are around here. People who visit the beaches down there are advised not to leave any garbage or belongings around because the baboons may snatch them up. Unfortunately for this couple, they were victims of the baboon problem. I'm sure I'll see plenty of them roaming the streets while I'm down there. Hopefully they don't steal any of my belongings!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

We booked our flights!

This past Sunday we had another team meeting. We found out a few bits of good news. One is that we have finally booked our flights. We are flying out in the evening of July 29th and will arrive in Cape Town on the morning of July 31st. We have a brief layover in London but thankfully that is our only stop. On our way back our layover is about 8 hours in London but none of us mind. :) We are going to try to get out of the airport and see some sites if time allows. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Probably the most exciting piece of news is that we found out the price of our trip decreased by $500! We originally budgeted for $3,400 a person. However, due to the reduced cost of our flight and our lodging, we were able to bring down the cost. Also, Overlake generously gave each of us $300 for the trip to show their support for what we are doing. What a great surprise!

Our team leader Aaron also announced on Sunday that our pastor, Mike Howerton, will be joining us for a few days when we are in Cape Town. His wife is active with another organization over in Durban, South Africa and he is taking the trip to go check out that ministry as well as the partnership that we are establishing with Living Hope.

Things are slowly starting to fall into place for this trip. Please continue your prayers for all of us as we are preparing for this adventure. We are excited to see what God has in store and the ways that He will work while we are over there!